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Watch this video to learn more about the program, get a crash course on human-centered design, and meet the founder and design trainers behind Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East.
Latest News
GAPER - Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East Teaches New Technologists the Non-Technical Skills to Succeed
“Founder and CEO Michelle Lee talks about how she started this company and where they're heading.” [Read more.]
BITE.TECH - Young Tech Leaders Fellow Spotlights
“Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East is a competitively selected technology leadership program and community for conflict-affected and refugee youth from the Middle East…. Get to know some of the fellows below.” [Read more.]
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - Michelle Lee (M.A. ’19) – Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East
“M.A. in Global Thought graduate Michelle Lee successfully founded and led a virtual tech leadership program titled Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East.”[Read more.]
STARTMENAUP - YTL Fellow Spotlights: Ahmed Haj Ahmed and Siham Tamisili Khanji
“In July, I had the honor of participating in a ‘Careers in Product Panel’ for Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East.” [Read more.]
BIZPRENEUR MIDDLE EAST - Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East Workshop Feature
“Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East is a virtual technology leadership program for conflict-affected and refugee from the Middle East…. Following the Final Presentation Day, we hear from the Young Tech Leaders themselves!” [Read more.]
BIZPRENEUR MIDDLE EAST - Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East: Virtual Tech Leadership Program Launches with 24 Youth
“On July 31, 2021, 24 youth from the Middle East showcased their human-centered design solutions, addressing a range of issues, from minibus transportation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to providing support to refugee communities abroad.” [Read more.]
IRAQI INNOVATORS - Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East Launches Virtual Tech Leadership Program
“On 31st July 2021, 24 youth from across the Middle East showcased their human-centered design solutions as part of a capstone to the Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East inaugural summer program.” [Read more.]
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - Michelle Lee (MA ‘19) to Host Young Tech Leaders of the Middle East Program
“The three-week virtual leadership program endeavors to ‘provide youth with a holistic toolkit to become effective leaders by equipping them with leadership skills and a human-centered design approach to problem-solving.’”[Read more.]